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Showing 91 - 100 of 415 Records

Stores - F.W. Woolworth (Burlington, VT)
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    • Date Created: 1949-1950
    • Description: 37-39 Church Street. Crowded display of discount merchandise in this interior photo of F.W. Woolworth Co. on the corner of Church and Cherry St., Burlington, Vt.
    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

    Vermont Structural Steel Co. - Buildings' Interiors
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      • Date Created: 1951
      • Description: March 1951 photo of the interior of a Vermont Structural Steel building that covers a railroad track. Although blurry in some areas, an interesting study of perspective and light.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

      Burlington Streets: Riverside Ave.
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        • Description: Undated photo (1929 or early 1930s?) of road construction project along Riverside Ave. The Riverside Service Station selling Socony gasoline is to the extreme right at 152 Riverside Ave. Workmen spread out across the road resurfacing the street. A team of two horses can also be seen assisting with the work.
        • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

        Chittenden Trust Company - Interiors
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          • Description: A view of the interior of the newly constructed Chittenden County Trust Company bank (123 Church Street & 173 College Street)looking toward a raised area in the distance (overlooking City Hall Park to the west). To the left is the long customer / teller counter. Also seen are overhead hanging chandelier lamps, translucent ceiling panels, glass paneled doorways behind the counter leading to inner offices and the architecturally elaborate wall treatment. Several large baskets with floral arrangements adorn the counter and floor. A stairway leads to a lower level to the right. Undated but may be early 1930s.
          • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

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            • Description: Creamery buildings with trucks parked nearby. Two men handle metal milk cans on one of the trucks.
            • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

            Penick and Ford (Marble Ave)
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              • Description: Employees of Penick & Ford, a bottling plant, work on the assembly line packing bottles of Vermont Maid Syrup. Noted as being the country's third largest maker of corn products in 1931.
              • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

              Penick and Ford (Marble Ave)
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                • Description: View of a room with Cooper Bessemer machinery at Penick & Ford. Penick & Ford noted as being the country's third largest maker of corn products in 1931. See also mcalA12F14i06
                • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                Stores, Exteriors
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                  • Description: Burlington retail store for Dodge Plymouth automobiles advertising its Spring open house. A man and woman stand outside next to a car; she in fur coat; he next to her with one leg on the running board.
                  • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                  Burlington Streets: Intervale
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                    • Date Created: undated
                    • Description: Undated but may be from around 1930. This is a neighborhood grocery store located at the intersection of Riverside Ave and Intervale Ave. This photo appears in "Images of America Burlington, Vol. 2, p. 60. Authors suggest this store may have been owned by Sophia Saiger as she is listed as being a grocer in the 1930 city directory and residing at 178 Intervale Ave.
                    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs,Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                    Burlington Streets: Main Street (Lower)
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                      • Date Created: 1943-05-05
                      • Description: May 5, 1943. Rail Removal Project. Burlington, Vermont by the city street dept. This view, looking east up the hill, shows Rail Removal Project at intersection of Main Street and So. Winooski Ave. where a hot-mix asphalt pavement had been constructed over the top of the rails to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. On the right are businesses that include (extreme right) Kent-Thomas Co advertising Armstrong tires at 211-213 Main, further up is 229 Main location of Nourse's restaurant. Across the street at 220 Main is the Chittenden County Jail, J. Frederick Lynch, county sheriff.
                      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs