Letters Home From Congress
This collection features letters home from Warren R. Austin (Senator, 1931-1946), Jacob Collamer (Representative, 1843-1848; Senator, 1855-1865), and Samuel C. Crafts (Representative, 1817-1824; Senator, 1842-1843). The letters document travel to and from Washington by horse, boat, train, and airplane; lodging in boarding houses, hotels, and homes; social life in Washington; significant local and national events; and legislative issues under consideration in Congress. Austin's letters detail his frustrations serving as a Senator in the minority party during the era of Roosevelt and the New Deal; his activities on the Judiciary Committee; and foreign affairs topics such as the Neutrality Act. The letters of Crafts and Collamer both extensively cover the question of slavery, discussing Missouri statehood, John Brown, the annexation of Texas, and the Civil War. All three Congressmen frequently discuss questions regarding appropriations and the Federal budget.
Biographical information is available from the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, at:
Showing 31 - 40 of 443 Records
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, March 30, 1938
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Topics include inspection of Fort Adams.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Crafts, December 1, 1823
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include minority report on the Thirty Hour Bill; Huey Long as a potential candidate for President; dinner hosted by Mildred Austin for the British Ambassador.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Dr. Eli Todd, January 28, 1821
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include Austin radio broadcast on the air mail issue.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mary Collamer, February 4, 1844
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- Creator: Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865.
- Description: Topics include sit-down strikes; Court Bill hearings in the Judiciary Committee.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mary N. Collamer, February 17, 1844
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- Creator: Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865.
- Description: Topics include Court Bill, President Roosevelt, and potential votes against the bill in the Senate.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 19, 1821
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include debate on the air mail issue; Democratic Whip Senator Lewis' entering of Austin's address before the Vermont Bar Association into the Congressional Record.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 12, 1821
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include Austin radio broadcast on the air mail issue.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 6, 1819
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Text of Speech
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Warren R. Austin letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 18, 1940
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Letter to daughter and son-in-law. Topics include Tariff Bill passed by Senate and sent to the President; efforts by Locofocos (Democrats) to oppose the Tariff Bill; Senate split on Tariff bill with twenty-five Whigs for, twenty Locofocos (Democrats) against, and five southern Whigs against, but Senator John Henderson (MS) was absent and Senator John Berrien (GA) did not vote; discussions about whether President Tyler will sign the bill what will happen if it is vetoed; treaty between Great Britain and the United States; Government band which plays in front of the Capitol every Thursday and at the Presidents on Saturday evenings; theatre performances; public gardens; Locofocos (Democrats) in Vermont.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, January 27, 1934
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Topics include speech by Senator Borah on the Big Navy Bill; bankruptcy bill; railroad bill.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress