5. Post CD

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This collection includes 7 color cartoon images that were created between 2010-2021, after the publication of the books and CD.

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Theory of Relativity
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    • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
    • Date Created: 2010-2013
    • Description: This cartoon has four panels arranged in a square pattern. Each square is labeled for a different School (A, B, C & D) and shows a different person speaking for each school. In the middle of the cartoon (where the interior corners of the squares meet) is a small rectangle overlapping a bit on to all four squares that says, "Ratio of parapros to students with disabilities." In School A the ratio of parapros is 1:2, in School B it is 1:4, in School C it is 1:6, and School D it is 1:10. Despite the different ratios, the different people associated with each school all say the exact same thing (that is repeated in each of the four squares), "We are just getting by with the parapro resources we have. We couldn't possibly function with any less." The tag line under the cartoon. reads, "The Other Theory of Relativity."
    • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Post CD