3. Teaching Old Logs New Tricks

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This collection includes 101 color cartoon images from Teaching Old Logs New Tricks.

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Spin-off Slogans
Image nop
    • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
    • Date Created: 2000
    • Description: The cartoon is a panel split into four frames in square pattern. The top right frame is a woman wearing a button on her shirt, the button reads, "What part of 'No' don't you understand?" The tag line for that frame is, "Wide acceptance, short, clear and concise." The frame on the top left shows a man with a beard and a blue buttoned shirt. His button reads, "What part of 'All' don't you understand?" The tag line for this frame reads, "Considered too sarcastic by some." The frame on the lower left shows a man in a suit and tie. His button reads, "What part of 'The Budget' don't you understand?" and the tag line reads, "Leads to many questions people can't answer." The lower right frame is a woman doctor and her button reads, "What part of 'Bilateral Derotational Osteotomies' don't you understand?" The tag line for this frame reads, "Requires too large a button." The tag line for the whole cartoon reads, "Why spin-off slogans are never as good as the original."
    • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks